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NBC Writing Institute - Minnowbrook
Thursday, February 2 - 4 pm - 9 pm

Friday, February 3 - 8 am - 9 pm

Saturday, February 4 - 8 am - 3 pm
Minnowbrook Conference Center
Maple Lodge Road
Blue Mountain Lake, NY 12812

In response to requests from National Board candidates or NBCT pursuing the Renewal process, this institute was created to provide time to analyze, write and reflect in a collegial and supportive environment. Working independently, with partners, or in writing groups on components, candidates have the opportunity to develop their written commentaries and participate in peer review. Candidates have the chance to discuss and listen to issues particular to their unique work, as they are preparing evidence of the NBPTS standards of accomplished practice through student work, written commentary and videos. Please bring a laptop computer, videos, student samples, component directions, standards, and scoring guide.

Cost of $250.00 covers the professional learning, meals and lodging pp/based on double occupancy.

This Writing Institute is supported by NBCNY through the DOE SEED Grant and NYSUT.






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