Mid-Hudson Region

The Mid-Hudson Region encompasses 7 counties: Dutchess, Putnum, Orange, Rockland, Sullivan, Ulster,
and Westchester. The aim of the 2015-2016 year is to continue to spread the benefits of National Board Certification. This year we are offering three cohort groups and if anyone is still interested we invite new candidates to contact us. Another aim is to support our NBCTs into becoming teacher leaders in their local school districts. We are also excited to bring Edcamp to NBCTs and candidates of the Hudson Valley (and beyond) in the spring 2016!
Please contact Colleen or Stefanie for additional information about National Board Certification and/or to have an awareness session brought to your area of the Hudson Valley!
Co-Regional Coordinators

Colleen Napora has been teaching in New York since 1999, in 2004, Colleen achieved National Board Certification in Exceptional Needs in 2004. She currently teaches special education at Arlington High School in Lagrangeville, NY, where she also serves as the Assistant Athletic Director. Since 2006, she has actively supported teachers in their pursuit of accomplished teaching. She has facilitated several cohort groups, writing institutes, Jump Start academies and mentored hundreds of teachers seeking National Board certification. Colleen has attended the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Conference, the NEA Jump Start academy and the National Board Summer Academy. She has also presented at the Teach to Lead conference in Washington, DC. She has facilitated Jump Start training at the Regional and National level. She serves as a member of the SUNY Cortland Alumni Board of Directors and the Mid Hudson Teacher Center Policy Board. In 2014, Colleen attended SUNY New Paltz and completed her Certificate of Advanced Study and is currently pursuing TESOL certification and will finish up in December of 2019. Colleen truly supports the philosophy that we are lifelong learners

Stefanie Rice is a National Board Certified Teacher in Career and Technical Education. She has been a Family and Consumer Sciences teacher since 1994 and currently teaches Early Childhood Education classes and a class in Sports and Nutrition. Stefanie has been the coordinator for the Family and Consumer Sciences department since 2004 at Arlington High School in New York State. Stefanie is active in the New York State Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Educators - Hudson Valley Northeast chapter. She was voted Teacher of the Year by the Association in 2004. Since earning her National Board certification in 2006, Stefanie has become active in helping others reflect on their teaching practices to become National Board Certified. Since 2009, Stefanie (with Colleen) has been a candidate support provider and has attended multiple National Board and Teaching and Learning conferences. Stefanie, with Colleen, presented at the Teaching and Learning conference in 2015. She serves as the Hudson Valley Co-Regional Director of the NYS National Board Certification Resource Center.
Support Near You
Co-Regional Coordinators
Colleen Napora, NBCT
Arlington High School
1157 Route 55
Lagrangeville, NY 12540
Stefanie Rice, NBCT
Arlington High School
1157 Route 55
Lagrangeville, New York 12540
Michelle Carlson, NBCT
Karen Dakin, NBCT
Kathleen Purdy, NBCT
Helene Alalouf halalouf@gmail.com
Ann Hovis annhoviswilliams@wpcsd.k12.ny.us Croton SCD
Ann Hovis annhoviswilliams@wpcsd.k12.ny.us White Plains Teacher Center
Colleen Napora cnapora@acsdny.org Arlington CSD
Stefanie Rice srice@acsdny.org Mid-Hudson Teacher Center
Kathy Young kyoung@necsd.net Newburgh TC for Grad credit
Winter Writing Institutes are Sponsored by the Lower Hudson Teacher Center and NYSUT.
See NBCNY Workshop Page for more information