NEA's National Board Jump Start Facilitator Training-Capital Region
6/27/2018 8am -4pm and 6/28/2018
Capital Region--Desmond Hotel and Conference Center
Registration Fee: $250
This institute enables participants to facilitate educators pursuing National Board certification. Participants will gain the practical knowledge, skills, and tools needed to successfully implement NEA’s National Board Jump Start program to support teacher candidates during their National Board Certification process. This institute will provide time for networking and engaging with the NEA Jump Start curriculum and will receive access to the NBCNY website with new resources. There will also be an opportunity to discuss the latest policies and supports for NBC at all system levels. Cost of $250.00 covers the professional learning and breakfast and lunch. This Institute is partially underwritten by an NEA Grant.
NBCT Facilitators: Regina Anderson, Sarah Duke, and Annette Romano, Maureen Shiland