Preparing for NBC Component 1: The Assessment Center
Thursday, March 30, 2017
4:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Saratoga Springs High School
1 Blue Streak Blvd
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Maureen Shiland
Of special interest to National Board Candidates, this meeting will focus on Component 1: The Assessment Center in your certificate area. This is an opportunity for all NBC candidates and advanced candidates to meet with each other and discuss resources, standards and assessment framework topics. Candidates will collaborate in groups of similar certification areas. Please bring scoring guide, exercise descriptions, resources and curriculum information to share. A light dinner will be served. Please send a copy of this receipt and a check for $30 payable to South Colonie CSD (with NBCNY in the memo line) to the attention of: South Colonie CSD c/o Greater Capital Region Teacher Center 512 Albany Shaker Road Albany, NY 12211 Please contact Annette Romano with any questions.