Supporting educators pursuing NBC.
The 2024-2025
NYSED Albert Shanker grant is
open. The deadline for applications
is February 7, 2025
The NYS Albert Shanker grant for National Board Certification from NBPTS fully funds in the following order of priority:
• candidates seeking their first certification, or
• retake of one component or,
• Maintenance of Certification (MOC) from NBPTS.
Funding is limited!
Please read website carefully for more details, the process has changed.
REMEMBER you Registration Receipt and Tenure Attestation Form!!! (Even if you have submitted it in previous years)
If you are an Advanced Candidate, retaking components see this resource for Shanker Grant Funding
Candidate Application Fee Reimbursement: If you completed all 4 components in 2024--you will be eligible for your NYSED Shanker Grant Reimbursement in the Spring. We will keep you posted. This is NOT contingent on your ACHIEVING!
District Reimbursement for supportive services has been suspended for the 2023 and 2024 cycles.
Leigh Feguer, NBCT
AYA Science
Schenectady CSD
NBCNY's Featured NBCT: Leigh Feguer
I grew up in a small town in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, which landed me in the most unlikely setting, teaching science in Schenectady, NY. This large urban high school was a completely different world from the one I knew growing up. Schenectady’s enrollment was one-third the population of my hometown. While my teacher prep program prepared me well for knowing my content and assessing my students, I felt like knowing my students was my biggest hurdle, and I was intentional about improving daily. Most of my experiences growing up didn’t match those of my students. Still, my passion for life science and my love of learning helped me develop lessons that my students and I could experience together and have taken me on the most amazing 25-year journey. For me, becoming the teacher that my students deserve is my why.
Read more about Leigh's Why and how becoming a NBCT impacted her journey.
Get Involved in the NBCNY Network
Complete NBCNY Session Proposal to share your passion and expertise.
We look forward to helping you design and lead a
professional learning session for fellow educators.
Consider presenting on NBC at your professional conference.
Email Annette for resources.
Share Resources and provide candidate support.
NBCNY Applying for NBC in NYS
Share NBCTs in the News.
Please share your NBCT and candidacy photos and stories by emailing us with the subject: NBCTs in the News.
We will link stories to our website and newsletter.
Nominate a NBCT to be NBCNY's Featured NBCT
NBPTS Homeroom: Homeroom is a new hub of sequenced resources designed to help you navigate your Board certification journey, whether you are just starting or have already completed components. You will see suggested timelines that will help you manage your time throughout your process.
Regional Stories from the field
This collection of stories demonstrates the impact NBCTs are having in each of the 7 NYS regions. Read to learn how NBCTs are contributing to the profession and their impact on colleagues and students.
The National Board for
Professional Teaching Standards recognized NBCNY and 20 other National Board Networks that model excellence in support of the National Board’s mission
NBCNY is an approved Sponsor of
NYSED Continuing Teacher Leader Education (CTLE) hours.
The National Board Council of New York (NBCNY) is an affiliate network of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS).